Active Children Excel
Our mission is To nurture children living in underserved communities by building character, confidence, and competency through the sport of tennis.
Love - Love
Tennis ignites passion. The ACE Project is committed to offering comprehensive youth programs based around tennis and tailored to any student population. Let's get rackets swinging!

Get Into the Game
The ACE Project is an organization on the move, bringing tennis and enrichment programs to youth in multiple schools, communities, and states.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Serve the Community
We believe that strengthening the relationships between students, their families, and their communities will outmatch the cycles that limit opportunity and success. Regardless of how good your backhand is, there are a number of ways for you to step up and serve.
Dress for Success
Show off your favorite team wherever you go. The ACE Project t-shirts are on sale; all sizes, for adults and youth, are available.